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Full-time National Coordinator

at Jobisite in Texas

Spearhead our government bids supplier and distribution base.
Write your own paycheck.

Parts on a Dime, Inc. is building a national infrastructure.

Aggressively onboarding 10 National Coordinators, 50 State Coordinators, and over 150 Local Coordinators.

Parts on a Dime Inc. is a national parts of all kinds, vehicles (Trains, planes, automobiles, marine, machinery), military, defense contractors, and more, bids satisfaction and fulfillment company.

Each position is responsible for securing bids and contracts based on territory. National and State Coordinators onboard and manage contractors in their territory.

These positions are commission and productivity-based.

Earnings will exceed $52,000 annually on a very conservative level for Local Coordinators.

Nation and State Coordinators earn an additional 5% from everyone under their management.

These are work-from-home and remote positions available immediately and until all are filled.

Send resume and inquires to email

Reference : National Coordinator jobs

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Published at 17-07-2024
Viewed: 93 times