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Full-time Appraiser

at Hugo Consulting Services in California

Job responsibilities:
1. Learn to identify relevant knowledge points through training, and understand the characteristics of product identification;
2. Based on the identification knowledge points, carry out identification work on the company's platform products, verify the authenticity of the products, form an identification report, and be responsible for the identification results;
3. Proactively learn and understand market trend information, pay attention to fashion trends, understand product characteristics, and cooperate with the product operation team to complete trend product analysis briefings;
4. Summarize daily work results, review them in a timely manner, improve work efficiency, and cooperate with product operations to complete relevant testing and requirement collection work;
5. Assist in completing other tasks of the Product Research Center, such as purchasing, photography, and managing the authentic product inventory.

Job requirements:
1. Full time undergraduate degree or above, fluent in English and Chinese, required to have a green card or H1B visa;
2. Solid and hardworking (accepting warehouse office environment, accepting business trips, scheduling additional shifts, etc.), with a certain level of pressure resistance, stable, down-to-earth and sincere, positive and optimistic;
3. Having self motivation and fast learning ability, good at thinking and willing to research;
4. Honest, pragmatic, meticulous and rigorous in work, with a serious and responsible attitude, and good communication and expression skills.
Note: It is necessary to come to Shanghai for training for about 6 months in the early stage, and return to the local office after the training period. The expenses during the training period in Shanghai can be reimbursed
For example, round-trip airfare, accommodation, quarantine period expenses, etc., salaries during the training period are paid normally.
Reference : Appraiser jobs

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Published at 04-07-2024
Viewed: 45 times